5784 Rabbi Brand
Sunday Morning Shiur

October 15th
“Creation and Mishkan: The Shabbos Aspiration”
October 29th
“How We Accept Shabbos”
November 12th
“Shabbos Clothing: The Deeper Meaning”
December 3rd
“Reflections on A Chizuk Mission to Israel”
December 17th
“Salad Making on Shabbos: Borer (part 1)”
December 31st
“Salad Making on Shabbos: Tochein (part 2)”
January 21st
“Shabbos Speech”
February 11th
“Creating Space for Spirituality to Emerge in Life”
March 3rd
“מלאכת מחשבת: מלאכת שבת”
April 7th
“The Special Mitzvah of Torah Learning on Shabbos”
May 12th
“Women Drinking from Havdalah Wine”
June 2nd
“Smart watches on Shabbos”
June 16th
“Bishul: Making Tea and Coffee on Shabbos”
October 22nd
“Adding to Our Holiness of Shabbos”
November 5th
“Kabalas Shabbos”
November 19th
“Shabbos clothes: The Halachic Principles”
December 10th
“Spiritual Vision: A Case Study in Our Relationship with “Greek Wisdom”
December 24th
“Shabbat: Is It Just for Jews?”
January 7th
“Salad Making on Shabbos: Dash (part 3)”
February 4th
“Kiddush Shalosh Seudos”
February 25th
“The Public Aspect of Shabbos”
March 10th
“מלאכת כותב”
May 5th
“All Your Work Is Done: יומא דנשמתא”
May 19th
“One Pasuk, Three Frames: לא תבערו אש”
June 9th
“Menucha of Shabbos”
June 23rd
“Shabbos and Chassidus”