Past Programs 5785

Below, you will find recordings of past YU Torah Mitzion Kollel and NILI programs linked to their respective flyer.

Past Programs

YU Torah Mitzion Kollel Recordings

Kislev and Tevet Programming

Click on the flyer below to listen to the recording

Cheshvan Programming

Click on the flyer below to listen to the recording

Elul and Tishrei Programming

Click on the flyer or date below to listen to the recording

September 24th
“Sicha K’shtia”

NILI Recordings

Elul and Tishrei Programming

Click on the flyer or date below to listen to the recording

September 9th
“Teshuvos on Teshuva (1) R. Moshe’s Prescription for an Earlier Offense”

September 16th
“Teshuvos on Teshuva (2) Forgiving the Forgiven: Asking Mechila When it’s Already been Granted”

September 23rd
“Teshuvos on Teshuva (3) Ovdei Avoda Zara, Kapo being Chazzan, and Not Wearing Tefillin”

September 10th
“Yonah Part I: The “Jonah Complex” and Elul”

September 17th
“Yonah Part II: Yonah’s Dilemma and Rosh Hashanah”

September 24th
“Yonah Part III: Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them: Sefer Yonah & Yom Kippur”

September 11th
“Hilchot Shofar: Introduction and Definition of the Mitzvah”

September 18th
“Hilchot Shofar: The Amount of Blasts”

September 25th
“Hilchot Shofar: Women and Shofar”

October 8th
“Hilchot Yom Kippur: Fasting and Exceptional Circumstances”