Our Mission: Inspired Torah Living and Learning
The mission of the Yeshiva University Torah Mitzion Kollel of Chicago is to nurture the spiritual growth of the greater Chicago Jewish community. The Kollel is an open community of learning that celebrates three core values:
- the primacy of Torah,
- the importance of positive interaction with general society, and
- culture and the religious significance of the State of Israel.
The YU Torah Mitzion Kollel’s center of learning is its Beit Midrash, where fellows spend their day engaged in intensive study of Talmud, Halacha and Jewish thought. Our Torah and dynamic, talented team of scholars shine throughout Chicago, strengthening shuls and schools and the community at large with a learning portfolio unique in its scope and breadth. We partner with local institutions to provide one–on–one learning opportunities, inspiring youth and teen programs, women’s initiatives, online resources and access to renowned Torah personalities. The YU Torah Mitzion Kollel’s scholars are men and women who share a passion for inspired Jewish living and learning. Since the YU Torah Mitzion Kollel’s founding in 2008, several alumni have taken community positions in rabbinic and lay leadership capacities in Chicago, other U.S. communities and Israel.
Programs for Everyone
The YU Torah Mitzion Kollel provides many exciting, positive Torah opportunities and events for all backgrounds.
Join Our Learning Community
No matter your age, level of learning or experience, we have a Torah offering for you.
Grade school children will love Parsha and Pizza, high schoolers can attend Sunday Night Learning (for boys) and Girls Night Out Learning, or GNOL, for young women. Our extensive programming for adults – women and men – in-person and on-line, at various shuls in our community, at our home Beit Midrash at Ida Crown, at the Illinois Holocaust Museum and in the northern suburbs. Our Taharat Hamishpacha help line is literally a lifeline for women in the community, and our NILI program for women provides high-level Torah learning, content and scholarship.

Support the YU Torah Mitzion Kollel
We invite you to partner with us! Click the Donate button below to see how you can engage in furthering our mission to enrich and engage the greater Chicago Jewish community with inspired Torah living and learning.