Welcome to the NILI Hotline
A confidential and anonymous hotline facilitated by trained kallah teachers, connecting women with halachic guidance from Chicagoland rabbis in all areas of Taharat Hamishpacha (Jewish family purity/Mikvah).
An experienced kallah teacher will be available six days a week to facilitate questions for Chicagoland women relating to Taharat Hamishpacha (Jewish family purity/Mikvah).
Questions may be asked anonymously and confidentially in four ways:
1. Call 847-636-9723 (please leave a message)
2. Text 847-636-9723
3. Email: [email protected]
4. Web form (below)
Please expect a response within 12 hours, Sunday through Thursday between 8am and 10pm and Friday between 8am and 12pm.
If for some reason you do not receive a response within 24 hours (Sunday morning through Friday morning), please:
- Make sure that your email account can accept emails from [email protected].
- Check your “spam” or “junk” folder to make sure the response wasn’t automatically sent there.
- Re-submit your question.
For questions that require more urgent attention, please contact your local Orthodox rabbi directly.
For questions that require more urgent attention, please contact your local Orthodox rabbi directly.
Wholesome and Holy Season 2 Episode 1: “Mazel Tov, You’re Engaged! Now What?”
Episode 2: “You’re Almost There: Wedding Prep, Mikvah Prep”
Episode 3: “Pregnancy, Childbirth and Postpartum”
Episode 4: “Staining at All Stages”
Episode 5: “Keeping Up with the Calendar: Vestot and Important Days”
New Service for the Submission of Mar’ot
(materials that require visual clarification for the purpose of a halachic ruling):
There is a specially marked and designated box at the cRc (2701 Howard, Chicago). The box is on the exterior wall of the building by the parking lot, accessible from Washtenaw). Please feel free to contact the hotline for other available locations.
Instructions for the Mar’ot Collection Box:
When you drop off a ma’arah, please immediately call the CRC (773-250-5428) to let them know that there is something to be checked in the box.
(Women may remain anonymous on this call)
The box is only checked when we are aware that there is a ma’arah inside. On the envelope, please write your phone number! That is the number on which you will receive a call back with you answer.
Use of this service constitutes understanding and acceptance of these provisions:
Yeshiva University Torah Mitzion Kollel of Chicago and NILI: Chicago Institute of Women’s Learning (hereinafter “Kollel”) strive for the highest quality in the resources offered here. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the Kollel is not responsible for the validity or accuracy of the material presented through this service. Materials are thought to be accurate, but no warranties, express or implied, are made. You will not seek to hold the Kollel liable for any direct, consequential or other damages resulting from use of this service, including from the negligence of the Kollel or its agents. The Kollel accepts no responsibility for any errors or omissions in, or the consequence of relying or acting upon information available through this service.
Always consult an Orthodox rabbi before making any decision regarding urgent taharat hasmishpacha matters. The information provided through this site is designed to support, not replace, the relationship that exists between users of this service and their existing Orthodox rabbi.
Your privacy is very important to us. Particularly due to the sensitive nature of the communication, the Kollel respects concerns about maintaining strict privacy. Any information that you share with us is kept in strictest confidence. The Kollel’s policy is to respect and protect the privacy of our users. The Kollel will never willfully disclose individually identifiable information about its users to any third party without first receiving that user’s permission or as otherwise required by law.
Please be aware that if a kallah teacher responds to your email and you reply back, some email clients (i.e. Microsoft Outlook) will copy your original message into the body of your response. Therefore, even though our server will continue to mask your personal email address in the “from” field, your email client may automatically display it in the body of your response. In order to maintain your anonymity, please make sure before hitting “send” to proofread the entire body of your response email and delete your personal email address if it is displayed there.
Please keep in mind that whenever you give out personal information online that information can be collected and used by people you don’t know. While the Kollel strives to protect its users’ personal information and privacy, we cannot guarantee the security of any information you disclose online and you do so at your own risk.
The Kollel’s policy does not extend to anything that is inherent in the operation of the Internet, and therefore beyond the Kollel’s control, and is not to be applied in any manner contrary to applicable law or governmental regulation.
We reserve the right at our discretion to make changes to this policy at any time. Please check this page periodically for changes.