NILI Mid-Winter Yarchei Kallah
Click on the speaker below for the recording of their shiur
Keynote Speaker: Rabbanit Chana Henkin, Rosh Midrasha, Nishmat
“Achdut: Let Them Be United and They Will Atone for Each Other”
Rabbi Ephraim Wiesenberg, 1st Year Kollel Fellow
“The Halachic Aspect of ‘Kol Yisrael Areivim Zeh Lazeh'”
Mrs. Beth Pogonitz, Tanach Teacher, ICJA
“Striving for Unity as a Nation”
Keynote Speaker: Mrs. Emma Katz, Director of NILI
“Understanding Achdut- To Tolerate, Accept, or Embrace”
Rabbi Yehuda Rosenberg, 1st Year Kollel Fellow
“10 Steps to Am Yisrael- 10 Plagues Uniting a Nation”
Keynote Speaker: Rabbi Reuven Brand, Rosh Kollel, YU Torah Mitzion Kollel
“Understanding Jewish Unity”
Rabbi Yitzy Weiss, 1st Year Kollel Fellow
“Am Segulah: A Treasured Responsibility”
Mrs. Penina Teitelbaum, Principal of Hanna Sacks Bais Yaakov
“Lone Soldiers. Purple Flowers & The Story of a Single People”