Pre-Pesach Learning 5784

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Click on the flyer above to listen to the shiur.

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Monday April 8th: “Pesach with Rav Schwab”

Click on the flyer above to listen to the shiur.

Click on the flyer above to listen to the shiur.

Listen to Seder Snippets Season 2HERE

Pesach 5783 Shiurim

Click below to listen and download

From The Dayan’s Desk Pesach Edition

The “Mitzvah” of Charoses

A Seder with the Sfas Emes

The Inner Freedom of Pesach

Knowing Hashem: The Goal of Our Seder

The Haggadah and Israel Today

Making the Best Pesach Seder Ever: Guidance from Great Educators

Three Lessons From the Korban Pesach

How Moms Can Create A Meaningful Seder