From the Dayan’s Desk with Rav Yona Reiss Shlita
October 24th
“From the Dayan’s desk #99: Lineage of Kohanim – Part 1”
November 21st
“From the Dayan’s desk #101: Geneivas Da’as- In Business and Life”
December 19th
“From the Dayan’s Desk #104: Teshuvot of HaRav Gedalia Dov Schwartz Orach Chaim”
January 16th
“From the Dayan’s Desk #107: Teshuvos of Rav Gedalia Dov Schwartz – Yoreh Deah part 2”
February 6th
“From The Dayan’s Desk #110: Teshuvot of R’ Gedalya Dov Schwartz Even Haezer part 4”
March 20th
“From the Dayan’s Desk #113 Teshuvot of HaRav Schwartz Even Haezer #6”
May 1st
“From the Dayan’s Desk #116 – Amending the Law of Return – Halakhic, Political and Metaphysical Considerations”
May 22nd
“From the Dayan’s Desk #119 – Oaths in Contemporary Beit Din Proceedings, part 2”
June 12th
“From the Dayan’s Desk #122: The Kidushei Ketana Scandal”
October 16th
“From the Dayan’s Desk #126 – Selling a Shul-Whither? (Part 1)”
November 6th
“From the Dayan’s Desk #129: Wartime Gittin”
December 4th
“From The Dayan’s Desk #132: Surrogate Motherhood Part 2”
October 31st
“From the Dayan’s desk #99: Lineage of Kohanim – Part 2”
November 28th
“From the Dayan’s desk #102: Borrowing or Taking without Permission”
December 26th
“From the Dayan’s Desk #105 – Teshuvot of HaRav Gedalia Dov Schwartz Orach Chaim part 2”
January 23rd
“From the Dayan’s Desk #108: Teshuvot of R Gedalia Dov Schwartz”
February 20th
“From the Dayan’s Desk #111 – Teshuvos of Rav Gedalia Dov Schwartz z”l: Even Haezer: Part 5”
March 26th
“From The Dayan’s Desk 114 – Pesach Questions 5783”
May 8th
“From the Dayan’s Desk #117 – Laws of Privacy: Hezek Reiya”
May 29th
“From the Dayan’s Desk #120 – Paying Taxes, part 1”
August 28th
“From the Dayan’s Desk #123: Judicial Fortitude”
October 23rd
“From the Dayan’s Desk #127 – Selling a Shul- Whither? part 2”
November 13th
“From the Dayan’s Desk #130: The Price for Redeeming Captives”
December 11th
“From the Dayan’s Desk #133- Chanulah and Bava Kamma”
November 7th
“From The Dayan’s Desk #100: Gambling and Halacha”
December 12th
“From the Dayan’s desk #103: Returning Lost Objects- Modern Day Applications”
January 2nd
“From the Dayan’s Desk #106: Teshuvot of HaRav Gedalia Dov Schwartz Yoreh Deah”
January 30th
“From the dayan’s desk #109: Teshuvot of R’ Gedalya Dov Schwartz Even Haezer part 3”
February 27th
“From the Dayan’s Desk #112 Teshuvot of HaRav Schwartz Even Haezer #6”
April 24th
“Dayan’s Desk #115 – Teshuvos of HaRav Gedalia Dov Schwartz, Even Haezer and Choshen Mishpat #8”
May 15th
“From the Dayan’s Desk #118- Oaths in Contemporary Beth Din Proceedings part 1”
June 5th
“From the Dayan’s Desk #121: Paying Taxes, part 2”
October 9th
“From the Dayan’s Desk #125: She’elos in Shaimos”
October 30th
“From the Dayan’s Desk #128: Civilian Casualties During War”
November 27th
“From the Dayan’s Desk #131: Surrogate Motherhood, part 1”
January 1st
“From the Dayan’s Desk #136: Ethical Investments”